Yes you heard me. There will be no sugarcoating, just flat out facts: The Superbowl is the greatest day of the year.
I really don't remember where this discussion came up, but a few mutual friends and I were talking about how awesome our Super Bowl Sunday's have been over the past few years and that, when you really think about it, have even come to rival the Mother of all Holidays--yes, I'm talking about Christmas!
But how could the Super Bowl dethrone the glorified machine that people of all paths have come to revere? Christmas is everything. It has humble reverence in celebration of Our Lord and Savior, yet it is also to worship some fat guy dressed in red who gives you cool electronics, money, and other gifts, who somewhere along the way was Sainted by the Church for taking the focus of Christmas off of Christ. I'm not crying blasphemy, but I am saying that with Christmas you literally do get the best of both worlds, at whatever cost from either side!
However, our recent argument put into jeopardy this notion that Christmas will simply not be dethroned.
1. Friendship and Camaraderie:
Superbowl Sunday doesn't place focus on family, but it does place focus on friendship and camaraderie. Nothing has come close to bringing together my friends than this fine holiday has.
2. Best. Snacking. Ever.
I mean.. when every attendee brings $15-20 of food, and the type of food brought is coordinated by a committee, you get top grade selection, quality, and quantity. And this formula equals the best snacking day of the year!
3. Football!
And not just any football. The game of the year in any and all sports! Sometimes you even get to see magic in these games. Last year's Patriots vs. Giants game had to have been the best Superbowl I have ever seen or even heard of. Period. Manning out of the pocket and escaping out of a cloud of defenders unscathed, lobbing it up, and the miracle David Tyree "helmet catch" to set up the eventual touchdown and biggest upset in my limited knowledge of NFL football. Can't wait to see what's riding this year!
4. Rivalry and banter
Everyone takes sides, and everyone gets into it. It's fun to see the emotion flying--the cheers for your team, the trash talking exchanged. When your team wins, you even occasionally get to see the losing team hang their head in shame and immediately run out the door to avoid any more of it (aka Adam & Nathan). That may not have made their holiday the best, but it made mine!
5. Commercials!
When a church-affiliated school specifically instructs their students to watch the Superbowl (namely the commercials) and labels this as "marketing homework," even though it is on a Sunday, that deserves a little note and praise of its own kind.
But let's face it. The Superbowl holds the best advertisting in the world! This is the only time in your life watching T.V. where you actually want to sit through commercials! Hell I've heard of people who only watch the Superbowl for the commercials! The biggest advertising agencies reserve their best and most secret weapons for this day. I've seen commercials last for years that were originally aired on Superbowl Sunday. And even after that much time, they still aren't old to me.
Well I don't want to put too much time into this, but I did post a little FAQ specifically intended to fight back some of the incredulousness of my remarks. Enjoy, and remember, the Greatest Day of the Year is still 2 months away!!!
-The Blogsmith
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: But unlike other holidays, there isn't anything religious about football!
A: You're right! That is, unless you religiously follow football!
Q: But what about presents and gifts? Christmas has plenty of, but the Super Bowl has none of!
A: True, but every holiday holds a record for something. Christmas has it's shopping. Thanksgiving has its turkey. Superbowl Sunday has its snack food and advertising! And even then, our Super Bowl Party committee actually has been looking into Superbowl gifts, and will most likely be included in this up and coming Superbowl.
Q: But what about time with the family?
A: Let's just say that the Superbowl can supercede family events when you know your Superbowl party will far exceed your parent's Superbowl party. Besides. You may be comparing apples to oranges, since this holiday is built off of a different base and structure than Christmas. Family is simply a nonfactor.
Q: Doesn't your "holiday" sound a little cruel and elitist? I heard you once left your friend knocking at your door to which no response was given but "Well, everyone that's important is already here!" followed by a flurry of mocking laughter! Didn't you also force your friend to choose between his brother and his girlfriend when both showed up to the party, and only your friend and ONE guest was accounted for in food? How could promotion of these questionable values ever be personified in a true holiday?
A: Good point. It's true that we are known from time to time to be harsh to some of our less fortunate friends on this holiday. But it is all for the greater good. Rules are set in place to maximize the benefit and joy for those invited and inside the house, not those interlopers without. Besides, you couldn't name one holiday that is without it's blemish!

As you can see, in 1000 years, Santa is the only focus of Christmas, and he happens to be a bloodthirsty robot looking to punish and destroy those who would do good. Doesn't sound so perfect here!

Do I know you? Your comment on my blog was very astute, but I cannot figure out who you are.
Oh by the way, that comment was about my blog...wish you were here.
Kyle you are insane. I have never watched the Superbowl and I do think it sounds cruel and elitist. Choosing football over Baby Jesus? Smacks of priestcraft and apostasy. :)
Smacks of priestcraft and apostasy huh? Well why is Christmas everyone's favorite holiday? because of Baby Jesus or because of the gifts? If you're gonna take the "holier-than-thou" religious road then you gotta figure that Christmas really isn't the most sacred holiday (and therefore the most important). That title would goto Easter, and even that one got corrupted by Cadbury Cream Corruption and Nasty Marshmallow Peeps! :P
I am so ready for the Superbowl! Im even requesting off work so there's not a chance I will be missing it!
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