Yes, this post is a review of George Lucas' MMMM at work: Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
I had to be delicate entering into this movie with the right expectation. All of the newer movies have had some pretty good concepts, but very poor dialogue and acting. Luckily, since this was a cartoon, I decided that such corny lines and voice acting could be very much more forgiven than with the other movies.
Funny enough, I thought Anakin was still more annoying than his new padawan, leaving him with a 4 movie streak of arguably being the most annoying hero of all time. Might I also question how such a retarded character could ever become as badass as Darth Vader? These will remain as unanswerable riddles in the delicate, space-time fabric of movie history.
The difference between a movie like this and movies such as Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones is that as a cartoon movie, The Clone Wars is allowed more room to be cheesy and over-the-top. Hey I watched some pretty awesome cartoons like X-men or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid, and they were pretty cheesy too. How different was this movie in the terms of cartoon quality?
Which brings me to make my stance that Star Wars I and II fall behind and continue to be the worst Star Wars films ever made, and nestling The Clone Wars as 5th best in the series.
My friend Courtney thinks I'm nuts for thinking this. She does make a good point that Episodes I and II have the best fight scenes. That is true. Episode I's fight scene probably ranks as the best, even maybe above Yoda vs. Palpatine, but that's arguable and for another time. While I love the fight scenes of all the new Star Wars movies, a 10 minute sequence just cannot shore up the ridiculousness of a whole movie's worth of bad acting and horrible dialogue. Sorrrrry guys! I and II remain the worst. Star Wars: The Clone Wars gets a 7 out of 10.
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McEvilly Road Town Hall
2 days ago
7 out of 10 huh? Thats pretty good! But hey I stand by the fact that 15 minutes can make or break the movie. Like in Episode 1 the fight scene totally redeems the movie. It makes you forget that the movie was totally cheesy. And then you have the last 15 (or so) minutes of Jurassic Park 2 that totally ruins the movie.
That's true, but that's not a scientific formula either. Some movies are just so bad that nothing can redeem it.
At the same token, your theory sometimes holds up too.
But to frame your point differently, If 15 minutes of horrible plot misdirection can ruin Jurassic Park 2, imagine how you would look upon Jurassic Park 2 with 100 minutes of horrible plot misdirection and 15 minutes of awesome glory? I tend to view Episode I and II this way. But in all seriousness, I wasn't THAT harsh on I and II. They still got 6s.
Sometimes a movie is purposely made or broken on 15 minutes because of the genre. A thriller or mystery will generally take this route. When the plot twist jumps in, it may turn a regular movie into one of the best ever made (Usual Suspects) or it will doom the movie (Jurassic Park 2, Along Came a Spider, etc.)
Depends on the type of movie I guess :)
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