I saw that Radiohead keeps chugging out new songs and "hits." I followed a link on facebook to see Radioheads new "hit" video. It sucked. Wtf Radiohead? I think that was about 4 minutes wasted out of my life. What happened to Radiohead since their Amnesiac album? I searched around for a few other newer Radiohead songs and they're all horrible.
Radiohead used to be my favorite band and had something good going with The Bends and something even better with their experimental OK Computer album. I guess they had so much success from it that they decided to continue getting weirder and weirder until they just plain suck.
Their music is just lifeless and dull now, and it all sounds the same. I'm sure to get some heat from Radiohead diehards that are still in denial that their band has gone off the deep end. I've always been a "slow adopter" when it comes to new and modern music, but I found a few bands that definitely deserve more attention these days, like Muse.
My friend Adam Tate I think put it best, "Muse is just like Radiohead, but more talented." Yeah that pretty much sums it up. Matthew Bellamy sounds kinda like Thom Yorke, which is good; however, the music is out of this world--leagues better than Radiohead. The guitar and bass riffs are epic. Try playing "Hysteria" on Rock Band and you'll know what I mean.
That's not to say I don't like Radiohead for what they WERE, just what they are NOW. Screw you Radiohead! Cheerio, fetcher!
McEvilly Road Town Hall
1 day ago
Ironically, I cannot stand Pablo Honey and The Bends, while OK Computer for me was my introduction. Do you know the entire story of why they changed their sound? Read what happened on the OK Computer tour. Entirely justifies the course they've taken, and makes it all the more admirable.
I bought Kid A when it first came out, and after two listens couldn't listen anymore and shelved it. A year later tried it again (understanding the history), and was surprised to love it.
In Rainbows is one of the most complex mofo's I've ever purchased. After a year, I finally love every song on their (15 Steps and Nude were the only two I cared for at first). Open mind is all it takes.
.... I almost finished this comment, and then realized my surprise that this rebuke of Radiohead comes from YOU. Are you really part of the "want the same feel as always" group? The same argument used by Weezer fans who want The Blue Album 6.0 STILL, wish for U2 to create The Joshua Tree sound every time, compare every Shyamalan and Spielberg film to the Sixth Sense and ET, respectively, and want Scorsese and DeNiro to only make gangster films?
I wrote a blog about that approach some time ago. "Sixth Sense Syndrome" is the title. You might enjoy it.
lol lowell. No I don't always want the exact same sound out of everyone. I would be singing praises to Coldplay if I really wanted that.
I enjoyed Radiohead even up through Amnesiac. I have all their B-sides, live, and acoustic songs up through that point. Anything I could scour through Napster, et al. But Hail to the Thief marked a passage into sucktasticness that I won't go into. My arguement isn't about staying the same, it's about not sucking. More importantly, my arguement rests on the theory of denial of the fans! You know, you enjoyed something for so long that once it finally loses its flavor (and all things eventually will), you refuse to believe that the road has come to an end and you cling on for dear life convincing yourself that someone like Radiohead is actually still talented. But let's face it. They aren't. I'm sorry, but if you have to listen to In Rainbows for a year just to finally appreciate their music, then you fit into MY denial theory perfectly. :/
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